Catalogue category: proposed use case
This catalogue provides an overview of proposed use cases, designed to validate requirements and gather input for development of technical components supporting institutional repositories.
description | function | supplier | usage | website | |
Proposal for publisher engagement with IRUS-UK |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for publisher engagement with the monitoring of usage statistics for Open Access (OA) resources. Building on the RepNet Wave 1 development of Institutional Repository Usage Statistics (IRUS-UK), this use case focuses on increasing engagement of publishers with testing and reviewing of aggregated usage statistics for resources made available both via publisher networks and in institutional repositories. |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers | |
Proposed API for RoMEO / JULIET |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for a proposed integrated data-feed API that is able to supply machine-readable, machine-executable information on both publisher- and funder-policies regarding Open Access (OA) publication. The proposed API would support enhanced sharing of data-driven infrastructure functionality across both Current Research Information System (CRIS) and Institutional Repository (IR) platforms. |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers | |
Proposed dashboard for tracking OA mandate compliance |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for a proposed dashboard tool monitoring compliance rates with regard to funder policies on Open Access (OA). This proposed dashboard, as part of its wider remit, would also help track various outputs and payments as funded research progresses through stages towards OA publication. |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers | |
Proposed deposit uptake monitor |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for a proposed deposit uptake monitoring tool, designed to track deposit rates of research publications into Institutional Repositories (IRs). This proposed tool would be designed to distinguish between automated and manual deposit procedures, with capability of reporting the rate of manually ingested deposits by authors or supporting services versus the rate of automated (RJ Broker) deposits via machine-to-machine transfers. |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers | |
Proposed directory of RIM system implementations |
This is a preliminary analysis of a proposed 'Directory of RIM System Implementations' that inventories the range of Research Information Management (RIM) systems available within UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). As the basis for planning harmonised repository services, RepNet is surveying the heterogenous landscape of RIM systems, including both Current Research Information System (CRIS) and Institutional Repository (IR) platforms. |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers | |
Proposed metadata enhancement suite |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for a proposed suite of metadata enhancement tools, designed to support automated extraction of metadata useful for repository deposit management and reporting. The proposed metadata enhancement suite would focus on requirements of several stakeholders in the Research Information Management (RIM) arena, who have firmly expressed their perceived need for metadata enhancement in current RIM systems (both Open Access repositories and CRIS). |
draft development proposal | proposed by repnet | used for review by stakeholders and developers |