Functional category: registry
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Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an initiative (managed by Lund University Libraries) that aims to provide a comprehensive, quality-controlled directory of open access scientific and scholarly journals. It aims to increase the visibility and ease of use, thereby promoting increased usage and impact. |
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Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR) is an initiative (developed by Harvard University Library, with Mellon Foundation funding) to provide a distributed and replicated registry of format information populated and vetted by experts and enthusiasts world-wide. In 2009 the GDFR initiative joined forces with the UK National Archives' PRONOM registry initiative under a new name: the Unified Digital Formats Registry (UDFR). |
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Information Environment Metadata Service Registry (IEMSR) was developed as a metadata schema registry (hosted by UKOLN) as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. |
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Information Environment Service Registry (IESR) is a freely available catalogue of electronic resources and research collections. Managed by Mimas and based at University of Manchester, IESR is a machine-readable registry providing quality-assured, constantly updated descriptions of resources (and methods of accessing them). |
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International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI) is a ISO standard in development for uniquely identifying the public identities of contributors to media content such as articles, books, TV programmes. ISNI will provide a tool for disambiguating names, linking data about names used in all sectors of publishing and media industries. |
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JULIET is a registry (hosted and managed by SHERPA Services, based at University of Nottingham) providing summaries of funding agencies' grant conditions on self-archiving of research publications and data. This JULIET registry emerged from a multi-university SHERPA partnership formed for the SHERPA project (2002-2006), including a broad range of research-led universities actively interested in institutional repositories. |
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Names2 |
Pilot National Name and Factual Authority Service 2 (Names2) is a prototype name-authority service (managed by Mimas) for UK repositories. The Names Project is working to uniquely identify individuals and institutions involved in research in the United Kingdom, making it easier to link individuals with the results of their research. The pilot Names system currently identifies over 40,000 of the UK's top researchers. |
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Open Access Repository Registry (OARR) is a JISC scoping project (managed by UKOLN) to identify the requirements for a unified registry of open access repositories. Objectives are: to review existing OARR services (OpenDOAR, ROAR and RepUK) and identify the lessons in order to inform requirements; to elicit requirements from key stakeholders; to create a specification for an open access repository registry. The output of OARR includes a specification to tender for a possible service in this area. |
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OpenDOAR |
OpenDOAR is a quality-assured registry service (maintained by SHERPA Services, based at University of Nottingham) providing a worldwide directory of academic open access repositories. OpenDOAR staff harvest and assign metadata to allow categorisation, visiting each repository catalogued to ensure a high degree of quality and consistency in the information provided. OpenDOAR primarily aims to be an authoritative source of OA repositories. |
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Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a system developed and managed by the international consortium (ORCID, Inc.) dedicated to resolving the name ambiguity problem, based on collaboration amongst publishers, universities, funding bodies and other stakeholders in scholarly communications. ORCID aims to solve this name ambiguity problem by creating a registry of persistent unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID, other ID schemes, and research objects such as publications, grants, and patents. |
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Organisation and Repository Identification (ORI) service is a registry (developed and managed by Edina) providing an API interface to an edited union of several authoritative and extant data sources. Currently the sources gathered by ORI include: Unlock; UK Access Management Federation; UCAS; ROAR; OpenDOAR; Webometrics; WHOIS. Note: ORI is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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PRONOM is the online registry (managed by UK National Archives) of technical information about public file formats, software products, and other technical components required to support long-term access to electronic records and other digital objects of cultural, historical, or business value. |
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Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) is similar to OpenDOAR but managers input their own repositories. The primary aims of ROAR are to provide support for repository growth and to promote the development of open access by providing timely information about the growth and status of repositories throughout the world. |
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Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP) is a searchable international registry (managed by University of Southampton) charting the growth of open access mandates adopted by universities, research institutions, and research funders that require their researchers to provide open access to their peer-reviewed research article output by depositing it in an open access repository. |
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RoMEO is a registry service (developed and managed by University of Nottingham) specifying publisher copyright and archiving policies. RoMEO summarises publisher copyright rules about deposit in institutional repositories and shows which publishers comply with funding agencies conditions on open access. Note: RoMEO is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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Romeo Eprints |
Romeo Eprints is a registry (managed by University of Southampton) specifying which journals have and have not already given their green light to author self-archiving. Romeo Eprints is based on data currently maintained by the SHERPA project. |
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Unified Digital Formats Registry (UDFR) is a registry (funded by the Library of Congress and developed by California Digital Library) designed to unify the function and holdings of two existing registries: PRONOM and GDFR (the Global Digital Format Registry). UDFR provides an open source, semantically enabled, community supported platform for a reliable, publicly accessible, and sustainable knowledge base of file format representation information for use by the digital preservation community. |
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