Functional category: scoping
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Open Access Repository Registry (OARR) is a JISC scoping project (managed by UKOLN) to identify the requirements for a unified registry of open access repositories. Objectives are: to review existing OARR services (OpenDOAR, ROAR and RepUK) and identify the lessons in order to inform requirements; to elicit requirements from key stakeholders; to create a specification for an open access repository registry. The output of OARR includes a specification to tender for a possible service in this area. |
repository infrastructure |
Publishing and the Ecology of European Research (PEER) is an EU-funded scoping project investigating the effects of large-scale, systematic depositing of authors' final peer-reviewed manuscripts. PEER monitored the effects of systematic archiving over time, with participating publishers collectively contributing approximately 240 journals to assess factors such as: how large-scale archiving affects journal viability; whether it increases access; models to illustrate how traditional publishing systems can coexist with self-archiving. |
repository infrastructure |
Repository Interoperability Opportunities (RIO) is JISC-funded work to collect, analyse, review and present information about the options faced by open access research repositories with respect to the systems and services with which they might interoperate. |
repository infrastructure |