Supplier category: provided by consortium
description | catalogued as | |
DataCite |
DataCite is an international organisation registering data repositories and providing a range of data services (currently managed by the German National Library of Science and Technology) designed to help researchers find, access, and reuse data. These data services include: DataCite Metadata Store (MDS), enabling data publishers to mint DOIs and register associated metadata; DataCite Metadata Search; DataCite OAI Provider exposing DataCite Metadata via OAI-PMH. |
repository infrastructure |
DSpace |
DSpace is an open source repository software package (currently managed by not-for-profit organisation DuraSpace) typically used for creating open access repositories for scholarly digital content. DSpace serves a specific need as a digital archives system, focusing on the long-term storage, access and preservation of digital content including text, multimedia and data sets. |
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Fedora Commons |
Fedora (or Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture) is a modular repository platform (currently managed by not-for-profit organisation DuraSpace) for the management and dissemination of digital content in the form of digital objects. Fedora repository software is used by libraries, archives and research projects to preserve and provide specialized types of access to very large and complex aggregations of historic and cultural images, artifacts, text, media, datasets, and documents. |
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METS Document Profile for Submission Information Packages (METSDSpaceSIP) is a DSpace format designed to be compatible with both DSpace and EPrints. Typically this DSpace package format is used in implementations of the SWORD (Simple Web-service Offering Repository Deposit) interoperability standard, allowing digital repositories to accept the deposit of content from multiple sources in different formats via a standardized protocol. |
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OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) is a protocol developed by the Open Archives Initiative. Often used in aggregating metadata from repositories, OAI-PMH uses XML over HTTP to collect metadata from records in an archive so that services can be built using metadata from many archives. Whilst this protocol must support metadata in Dublin Core format, it may also support additional metadata formats. The current version of OAI-PMH is 2.0, updated in 2008. |
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Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a system developed and managed by the international consortium (ORCID, Inc.) dedicated to resolving the name ambiguity problem, based on collaboration amongst publishers, universities, funding bodies and other stakeholders in scholarly communications. ORCID aims to solve this name ambiguity problem by creating a registry of persistent unique identifiers for individual researchers and an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID, other ID schemes, and research objects such as publications, grants, and patents. |
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UK PubMed Central |
UK PubMed Central (UKPMC) is a subject repository developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute, The University of Manchester, and the British Library. UKPMC offers free access to biomedical literature resources including: PubMed abstracts (about 22 million); UKPMC full text articles (about 2.2 million, of which over 400,000 are Open Access); Patent abstracts (over 4 million European, US, and International); National Health Service (NHS) clinical guidelines; etc. |
notable repository |
UKPMC Grant Lookup Tool |
UKPMC Grant Lookup Tool is a search functionality (developed by the European Bioinformatics Institute, The University of Manchester, and the British Library) used to find out grant award numbers / PI details listed in the UK PubMed Central repository. |
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