Supplier category: provided by eu
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Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) provides a standard data model, best practices, and tools for Current Research Information System (CRIS) developers. To enable interoperable access to CRIS data, CERIF enables storage and interchange of information between CRIS platforms. |
repository infrastructure |
OpenAire |
Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE) is an EU-funded project to build e-infrastructure supporting researcher compliance with the European Research Council Guidelines on Open Access and the European Commission's Open Access Pilot. In addition to developing software packages supporting the harvesting, enriching and storing metadata from Open Access publications and scientific datasets, OpenAIRE provides Orphan Repository & Search service for EU-funded projects. |
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Publishing and the Ecology of European Research (PEER) is an EU-funded scoping project investigating the effects of large-scale, systematic depositing of authors' final peer-reviewed manuscripts. PEER monitored the effects of systematic archiving over time, with participating publishers collectively contributing approximately 240 journals to assess factors such as: how large-scale archiving affects journal viability; whether it increases access; models to illustrate how traditional publishing systems can coexist with self-archiving. |
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