Supplier category: provided by university
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arXiv |
arXiv is a self-archiving repository service (hosted and operated by Cornell University) providing open access to e-prints in the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance and statistics. |
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Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) is a multi-disciplinary indexing and search service (hosted and operated by Bielefeld University Library), which harvests metadata from selected websites and data collections as well as from digital repositories supporting Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). |
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Citebase |
Citebase is an experimental citation index service and scientometric OA search engine (developed by University of Southampton) tracking citations of research literature from physics, maths, information science, and (published only) biomedical papers. Citebase harvests pre- and post-prints (usually author self-archived) from OAI-PMH compliant archives, parsing their references and indexing metadata in a search engine. |
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COnnecting REpositories (CORE) is a service (developed by Knowledge Media Institute at Open University) aiming to facilitate free access to scholarly publications distributed across repository systems. CORE provides a full-text search facility, based on open metadata about resource relationships, by processing repository metadata and full-texts of Open Access resources. |
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DepositMO |
Modus Operandi for Repository Deposits (DepositMO) is a JISC project (based at University of Southampton) creating a repository deposit workflow connecting the user’s computer desktop via popular apps such as MS Office and Windows Explorer with digital repositories based on EPrints and DSpace. |
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Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is an initiative (managed by Lund University Libraries) that aims to provide a comprehensive, quality-controlled directory of open access scientific and scholarly journals. It aims to increase the visibility and ease of use, thereby promoting increased usage and impact. |
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EPrints |
EPrints is an open-source, GPL-licensed software repository package (developed and managed by University of Southampton) for building open-access, OAI-PMH-compliant repositories. EPrints is primarily used for institutional repositories and scientific journals. As of version 3.3, EPrints supports a flexible data model that can be managed through configuration files and many aspects of EPrints repositories can be modified through a centralised collection of plugins, extensions, styles. |
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Global Digital Format Registry (GDFR) is an initiative (developed by Harvard University Library, with Mellon Foundation funding) to provide a distributed and replicated registry of format information populated and vetted by experts and enthusiasts world-wide. In 2009 the GDFR initiative joined forces with the UK National Archives' PRONOM registry initiative under a new name: the Unified Digital Formats Registry (UDFR). |
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HumBox |
HumBox is a repository (hosted by University of Southampton) aiming to publish online a bank of good-quality humanities resources, for free download and sharing. Running on ePrints software, HumBox aims to create a community of humanities specialists willing to share their teaching materials and to collaborate with others in peer-reviewing and enhancing existing resources. |
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IRIOS -2 is a JISC-funded project (managed by University of Sunderland) developing a proof-of-concept demonstrator supporting the import and export of research management data in CERIF format, linking research grant information and publications together. Filtering allows subsets of the data to be selected and exported in CERIF for use by third party applications such as Pure. In this project university research management data was successfully adapted and extended to include basic research grant information taken directly from a Research Council dataset (Shared Service Centre). |
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IRStats |
IRStats for EPrints is a flexible statistics package (developed by University of Southampton) enabling easy processing of statistics on accesses to fulltext documents in EPrints repositories. IRStats supports tracking of publication downloads as well as tracking of who is downloading from your archive. |
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JSTOR/Harvard Object Validation Environment (JHOVE) is a Java software library (developed by Harvard University Library and JSTOR) for detecting file formats, used for curation in institutional repositories. JHOVE provides functions to perform format-specific identification, validation, and characterization of digital objects. |
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Journal Table of Contents |
JournalTOCs is a free, searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs) developed and managed by Heriot-Watt University. JournalTOCs currently includes metadata of TOCs for more than 19,000 journals directly collected from more than 1200 publishers. |
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JULIET is a registry (hosted and managed by SHERPA Services, based at University of Nottingham) providing summaries of funding agencies' grant conditions on self-archiving of research publications and data. This JULIET registry emerged from a multi-university SHERPA partnership formed for the SHERPA project (2002-2006), including a broad range of research-led universities actively interested in institutional repositories. |
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KeepIT |
KeepIt is a JISC-funded project (managed by University of Southampton) aiming to close the gap between the digital preservation community and people responsible for live repositories. The project focussed on two key areas: 1) KeepIt course for digital preservation of repositories; 2) the development and implementation of preservation tools for repositories. |
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Kultivate |
Kultivate is an institutional repository project (managed by University for the Creative Arts) demonstrating use of repositories in the creative and applied arts. This project established a framework for repository enhancements, services and tools based on ePrints and aimed to increase arts research deposit in the UK Higher Education sector. |
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MePrints |
MePrints is a plug-in software module (managed by University of Southampton) providing a user-profile system for EPrints. MePrints was developed in a JISC rapid innovation project aiming to help all repository users have profile pages promoting their work and identity within the repository and beyond. |
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OpenDOAR |
OpenDOAR is a quality-assured registry service (maintained by SHERPA Services, based at University of Nottingham) providing a worldwide directory of academic open access repositories. OpenDOAR staff harvest and assign metadata to allow categorisation, visiting each repository catalogued to ensure a high degree of quality and consistency in the information provided. OpenDOAR primarily aims to be an authoritative source of OA repositories. |
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RePosit |
RePosit is a project (managed by University of Leeds) aiming to increase uptake of a web-based repository deposit tool embedded in a researcher-facing publications management system. This project is a collaboration between 5 Higher Education Institutions in the process of migrating to a publications management system as a primary deposit interface to their digital repositories. |
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Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR) is similar to OpenDOAR but managers input their own repositories. The primary aims of ROAR are to provide support for repository growth and to promote the development of open access by providing timely information about the growth and status of repositories throughout the world. |
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Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies (ROARMAP) is a searchable international registry (managed by University of Southampton) charting the growth of open access mandates adopted by universities, research institutions, and research funders that require their researchers to provide open access to their peer-reviewed research article output by depositing it in an open access repository. |
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RoMEO is a registry service (developed and managed by University of Nottingham) specifying publisher copyright and archiving policies. RoMEO summarises publisher copyright rules about deposit in institutional repositories and shows which publishers comply with funding agencies conditions on open access. Note: RoMEO is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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Romeo Eprints |
Romeo Eprints is a registry (managed by University of Southampton) specifying which journals have and have not already given their green light to author self-archiving. Romeo Eprints is based on data currently maintained by the SHERPA project. |
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Social Networking Extensions for EPrints (SNEEP) is a plug-in module deriving from a rapid development project (managed by University of London Computing Centre) to create extensions adding further key Web 2.0 features to EPrints. Specifically, SNEEP provides modular functionality for commenting, bookmarking, and using tags within EPrints repositories. More generally, SNEEP is designed to demonstrate how Web 2.0 technologies can be used in an institutional repository. |
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SWORD EasyDeposit |
SWORD EasyDeposit is an open source SWORD client creation toolkit (developed at University of Auckland Library). With EasyDeposit you can create customised SWORD deposit web interfaces from within your browser. |
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Unified Digital Formats Registry (UDFR) is a registry (funded by the Library of Congress and developed by California Digital Library) designed to unify the function and holdings of two existing registries: PRONOM and GDFR (the Global Digital Format Registry). UDFR provides an open source, semantically enabled, community supported platform for a reliable, publicly accessible, and sustainable knowledge base of file format representation information for use by the digital preservation community. |
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