Usage category: used via api interface
This category includes components used via machine-to-machine API interfaces.
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OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) is a protocol developed by the Open Archives Initiative. Often used in aggregating metadata from repositories, OAI-PMH uses XML over HTTP to collect metadata from records in an archive so that services can be built using metadata from many archives. Whilst this protocol must support metadata in Dublin Core format, it may also support additional metadata formats. The current version of OAI-PMH is 2.0, updated in 2008. |
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Organisation and Repository Identification (ORI) service is a registry (developed and managed by Edina) providing an API interface to an edited union of several authoritative and extant data sources. Currently the sources gathered by ORI include: Unlock; UK Access Management Federation; UCAS; ROAR; OpenDOAR; Webometrics; WHOIS. Note: ORI is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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RoMEO is a registry service (developed and managed by University of Nottingham) specifying publisher copyright and archiving policies. RoMEO summarises publisher copyright rules about deposit in institutional repositories and shows which publishers comply with funding agencies conditions on open access. Note: RoMEO is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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