Usage category: used by research author / pi
This category includes components used by research authors / principal investigators.
description | catalogued as | |
DataCite |
DataCite is an international organisation registering data repositories and providing a range of data services (currently managed by the German National Library of Science and Technology) designed to help researchers find, access, and reuse data. These data services include: DataCite Metadata Store (MDS), enabling data publishers to mint DOIs and register associated metadata; DataCite Metadata Search; DataCite OAI Provider exposing DataCite Metadata via OAI-PMH. |
repository infrastructure |
DepositMO |
Modus Operandi for Repository Deposits (DepositMO) is a JISC project (based at University of Southampton) creating a repository deposit workflow connecting the user’s computer desktop via popular apps such as MS Office and Windows Explorer with digital repositories based on EPrints and DSpace. |
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ESRC Society Today (EST) |
ESRC Society Today (EST) was a grant-reporting system jointly developed by ESRC, AHRC, BBSRC and EPSRC. From 2011, Research Councils UK (RCUK) agreed to move away from the older methods of collecting information only at the end of funding agreements and to support wider, more flexible arrangements for reporting outcomes at any point in the funding period and beyond. |
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HumBox |
HumBox is a repository (hosted by University of Southampton) aiming to publish online a bank of good-quality humanities resources, for free download and sharing. Running on ePrints software, HumBox aims to create a community of humanities specialists willing to share their teaching materials and to collaborate with others in peer-reviewing and enhancing existing resources. |
notable repository |
JULIET is a registry (hosted and managed by SHERPA Services, based at University of Nottingham) providing summaries of funding agencies' grant conditions on self-archiving of research publications and data. This JULIET registry emerged from a multi-university SHERPA partnership formed for the SHERPA project (2002-2006), including a broad range of research-led universities actively interested in institutional repositories. |
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MRC e-Val |
MRC e-Val system provides an online survey through which the UK Medical Research Council gathers data about the outputs and outcomes of MRC-funded research. From June 2012, the updated MRC e-Val system has been renamed as Researchfish ( and researchers have been reminded to update their output information by December 2012. |
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NERC Open Research Archive |
NERC Open Research Archive (NORA) is a repository (managed by the UK Natural Environment Research Council) for published material such as academic papers or reports that have resulted from NERC-funded research. Running on EPrints version 3, NORA supports the mandate that any published, peer-reviewed paper which has been supported by NERC funding since October 2006 is to be deposited in a repository (with acknowledgement of the relevant NERC grant or project). |
notable repository |
OfficeSWORD |
OfficeSWORD is a sample open source plugin (developed by Microsoft Research) for using the SWORD protocol to upload documents to a repository directly from within the Microsoft Office apps. |
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OpenAire |
Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe (OpenAIRE) is an EU-funded project to build e-infrastructure supporting researcher compliance with the European Research Council Guidelines on Open Access and the European Commission's Open Access Pilot. In addition to developing software packages supporting the harvesting, enriching and storing metadata from Open Access publications and scientific datasets, OpenAIRE provides Orphan Repository & Search service for EU-funded projects. |
repository infrastructure | | is a repository (developed and managed by Edina) designed to ensure that all academics worldwide can share in the benefits of making their research output Open Access. For those whose organisations have an online repository, uses OARJ to direct authors to appropriate repositories. For those without a local repository (such as unaffilitiated researchers), the OpenDepot is a place of deposit, available for others to harvest. |
notable repository |
RJ Broker |
Repository Junction Broker (RJ Broker) is a middleware system (in development by Edina for RepositoryNet+) designed to provide an API enabling discovery of possible target repositories into which open access research can be deposited. Previously known as Open Access Repository Junction (OARJ), it also provides a delivery tool to disseminate items to multiple repositories. Note: RJ Broker is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
repository infrastructure |
RoMEO is a registry service (developed and managed by University of Nottingham) specifying publisher copyright and archiving policies. RoMEO summarises publisher copyright rules about deposit in institutional repositories and shows which publishers comply with funding agencies conditions on open access. Note: RoMEO is one of the repository infrastructure components supported in 'Wave 1' of RepositoryNet+. |
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Romeo Eprints |
Romeo Eprints is a registry (managed by University of Southampton) specifying which journals have and have not already given their green light to author self-archiving. Romeo Eprints is based on data currently maintained by the SHERPA project. |
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Research Outcomes System (ROS) is a web-based system (managed by Research Councils UK) collecting data on the outputs, outcomes and impacts of research including: publications; other research outputs such as new materials, exhibitions and websites; staff development; collaborations and partnerships; communication and dissemination activities; summaries of impact. ROS supports a common approach for gathering quantitative and qualitative evidence of the outcomes and impact of RCUK investments. |
repository infrastructure |