Functional category: metadata
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A Current Research Information System (CRIS) is a database or other information system storing data on current research supported by a funding programme and produced by designated organisations and researchers. CRIS solutions (such as PURE developed by Atira or CONVERIS developed by Avedas) record contracts, projects, publications, study plans and patents related to funded research. Benefits of CRIS solutions include easy access to relevant information and functionality to collect more data to overcome incomplete or inconsistent information. |
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Information Environment Metadata Service Registry (IEMSR) was developed as a metadata schema registry (hosted by UKOLN) as a pilot shared service within the JISC Information Environment. |
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Journal Table of Contents |
JournalTOCs is a free, searchable collection of scholarly journal Tables of Contents (TOCs) developed and managed by Heriot-Watt University. JournalTOCs currently includes metadata of TOCs for more than 19,000 journals directly collected from more than 1200 publishers. |
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NLNZ Metadata Extractor |
National Library of New Zealand Metadata Extractor (NLNZ Metadata Extractor) is a Java-based tool to extract preservation metadata from within the headers of a range of file formats (including PDF documents, image files, sound files and Microsoft Word documents). NLNZ Metadata Extractor saves this preservation metadata in XML format. |
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OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) is a protocol developed by the Open Archives Initiative. Often used in aggregating metadata from repositories, OAI-PMH uses XML over HTTP to collect metadata from records in an archive so that services can be built using metadata from many archives. Whilst this protocol must support metadata in Dublin Core format, it may also support additional metadata formats. The current version of OAI-PMH is 2.0, updated in 2008. |
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RepUK |
RepUK is a prototype system (developed and managed by UKOLN) harvesting and aggregating metadata from UK institutional repositories. RepUK provides a heterogeneous metadata store regularly harvested from repository metadata records and a simple, RESTful API primarily to support third-party retrieval of harvested records. RepUK also provides feeds of some of this aggregated metadata and a prototype of a business-intelligence reporting service including visualisations. |
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RIO Extension |
RIO Extension is a project (led by University of Southampton) mapping repository metadata requirements, producing a final report to agree the best set of guidance for Higher Education Institutions. The aim of the work is to provide JISC and the Research Councils with sufficient information for them to agree the best set of guidance to institutional repositories with regard to exposing metadata for reporting / tracking / harvesting purposes. |
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RIOXX is a JISC-funded project (managed by UKOLN) to develop a simple DC application profile for bibliographic metadata to be exposed by UK open access repositories. The RIOXX profile should enable UK repositories to be as compliant as possible to the OpenAIRE guidelines and to satisfy the simplest possible requirements as set out in the final report of the RIO extension project: including unambiguous fields for project identifier, funder identifier, DOI, identifier for related dataset, embargo type, embargo end date, access level semantics. |
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RME Suite |
RME (RepNet Metadata Enhancement) Suite is a proposed set of tools that (if developed as part of the RepNet service catalogue) would provide the means to fill in gaps, automatically or otherwise, in various categories of metadata collection: for example, DOIs, funder information, author ID, provenance or de-duplication services. |
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V4OA |
V4OA (Vocabularies for Open Access) is a JISC-funded project (managed by UKOLN) to establish an ongoing process by which agreements can be reached on standard vocabularies to be used in particular circumstances in the Open Access (OA) context. |
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