Technical overview and related use cases: cerif
component | description | catalogued as |
Common European Research Information Format (CERIF) provides a standard data model, best practices, and tools for Current Research Information System (CRIS) developers. To enable interoperable access to CRIS data, CERIF enables storage and interchange of information between CRIS platforms. |
repository infrastructure |
Proposed dashboard for tracking OA mandate compliance |
This use case outlines potential user requirements and technical development considerations for a proposed dashboard tool monitoring compliance rates with regard to funder policies on Open Access (OA). This proposed dashboard, as part of its wider remit, would also help track various outputs and payments as funded research progresses through stages towards OA publication. |
proposed use case |
Proposed directory of RIM system implementations |
This is a preliminary analysis of a proposed 'Directory of RIM System Implementations' that inventories the range of Research Information Management (RIM) systems available within UK Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). As the basis for planning harmonised repository services, RepNet is surveying the heterogenous landscape of RIM systems, including both Current Research Information System (CRIS) and Institutional Repository (IR) platforms. |
proposed use case, repository infrastructure |